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My Real Estate Blog

Understanding Home Equity

Home equity…Everybody wants it, but what exactly is it, and how do you get it? Equity represents the degree of ownership an individual or entity has in an asset after subtracting any debts against the asset. To say someone shares equity in a company means they would share in any assets remaining after all debts …

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Should I Buy a Home or a Fancy Car?

New cars depreciate around 20% after the first year then continue depreciating by 10% every year after that. A home? Expect it to go up in value by about 4% year after year. Currently, the appreciation rate is a whopping 14.5%! Translation? Buying a home is always the better investment. The average U.S. car payment …

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Should You Buy and Sell at the Same Time

Both buying and selling a home are equally stressful, but what about when you are trying to coordinate both at the same time? There are a lot of moving parts, and the agents involved work together to insure the smoothest possible transactions for our clients. If you are selling your home and want to close …

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8 Reasons Why Real Estate is the Best Investment

8 Reasons Why Real Estate is the Best Investment Real estate has long been considered a solid investment for many reasons. It is a relatively safe and easy way for people to build wealth beginning with a small amount of money. If you are interested in investing in real estate, I’d be happy to help …

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Considering Short Term Rentals?

Considering Short Term Rentals? Short-term rentals can be a highly lucrative investment and a fun way to make money. Some of the advantages to managing a short-term rental property include: 1. Your tenants are generally excited to be at your vacation property and may not require as much attention as a long-term tenant. 2. You …

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Renovating Your Home? Frequently Asked Questions

Renovating Your Home? Check My FAQ’s! 1. How do I pick a contractor? Ideally, you want to build the same kind of relationship with your contractor as you do with your real estate agent: one built on trust that makes you want to go back to that person for any future needs. Your contractor should …

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What to check on your final Walk-Through

The final walk-through on your new home is an exciting event. It means you have successfully maneuvered through negotiations, inspections, and financing approval, and are on the verge of signing your closing papers. Most buyers attend the final walk-through with thoughts of furniture placement and paint colors in their heads. But the walk-through is about …

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Your Questions About Selling your Home: Answered

If you have a home to sell, you’re probably excited to get the process started. There are many things you need to consider when selling your property, and it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by the task. The good news is that I have done extensive research about what you need to know about selling …

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